Monday 14 March 2011

Chrome Session 27/2/11 - IC writeup


Disposible handle for this one. Seriously. I'm leaking this news before the newsies are releasing it.

The 1,2,3-killer is dead. Sort of. Robot of sorts. Better than the synth-intelligence I've seen. And that whole trippling himself thing. Holy crap batman! They appeared from nowhere. (I was unable to get that footage unfortunately. There is some nice footage of him screwing with people's targeting, though. Seriously. They swear that they were targeting properly, and so do their smartlinks. The footage clearly shows that they weren't pointing anywhere near him.

Yeah. He was tracked though the lift network and through some public spots of the underhive. Not deepest, darkest underhive, but still a bit lower than home. Probably safer in my nice, safe mainframe. Yes, who's a good mainframe? You are! Yes, you are! I'm going to be a bit flakey in and out of the net since she's due an upgrade.

Incidentally, for those of you who were betting on what was behind the sextuple murder - technomancy apparantly. Robot had a note on it. Something about how this doesn't defeat the technomancer. So it was tech and magic. Apparantly. No, they didn't let me get that note within range of my eyes :'( Possibly no psychers involved (this time).

Oh, and the robot/golem/homunculus was the husband of the first victim. Who had an alibi for death 1. Anyone with r00t on appropriate EF 'puters fire up your engines. The official and unofficial reports will make nice bedtime reading.

And he was paying us to find out who had killed his wife. So he could vigiantee his arse. Well, we did find out who killed his wife. It was him. I think. Or this "technomancer". I don't like this. It was definately "the technomancer". Not "a technomancer" or "Bob, the technomancer". High and mighty. You know what? He's probably on this bbs, one way or another. If so, hello The Technomancer. Nice work.

So, to catalogue what artefacts were found in connection with this event:
* EMP bomb. Fucking hell this thing is scary to the unshielded techie. Everything in a radius shut down for a few minutes. No cam footage. Of course, it triggers the alarms in things outside the range that are monitoring those cameras (and these killings were uphive) but why care? He was long gone by then. More of a "You don't get to see my uber-leet kit n00bs!" Possibly rechargable. I'm going to prod some footage I got of it. Poor thing got shot.

* Robot killing machine. So many features mentioned above. Split into 3, make people point guns not at him. Didn't work in the end though...

From what I heard, one of the splits was more real than the others. There were 3 in the Marketplace, one got out and the others disappeared. That was the footage you got that led to identifying the d00d in hospital (he'd just shot his way out of when they arrived. Didn't even tell me they'd set off. Just left me connected up to the mainframe.)
Also, people went from practically dead to somewhat bruised when the copies disappeared. Sort of like the universe forgot that they were using riot rounds. And they were basically indestructable. Someone shot one so much and it didn't care. Just kept unloading its shotgun into him.

And hang on a moment. The guy bled. Wasn't purely robot. Johnson handed over a blood sample.

Why do I have the awful feeling we'll be hearing from this Technomancer again?

Chrome Session 13/3/11 - EF Newspaper

EF newspaper

A spectre is haunting the L-B arcology. The spectre of the Technomancer and the Invisible Man. A fortnight ago 6 murders happened. First one person, then two, then three. Moving down the arcology, but staying above the underhive. Our brave EarthFed officers delivered justice to the murderer, who had a note on him referring to “the Technomancer”. This is believed to be a handle for a terrorist group combining the worst aspects of wetware, cyberware and possibly netware. No corporation’s public liaison officer was available to comment on the Technomancer. Outlandish reports from underhivers (who are prone to exaggeration) include that the murderer had access to a rechargeable EMP device, could create indestructible doppelgangers, and could cause their smartlinks to fail. None of their logs could verify this story. Of course, they also claim that

The other spectre is the Invisible Man. A bank robber hitting banks in this arcology. Eyewitnesses describe being shoved by someone who wasn’t there, doors opening themselves, and a breeze as though someone was walking past. Camera footage, even in the wideband, does not show anybody there. Eyewitnesses with net-vision did not detect a net-presence.

EF news estimates that millions of credits have been stolen, leading to loss of business in billions of credits for the banks, mainly due to loss of confidence. A super-injunction prevents this reporter from reporting which banks have lost credit reserves.

We wish to reassure readers that the EF central bank is a perfectly safe place for your money and we remain unharmed by this Invisible Man. Our vaults have now been irradiated, for the safety of your possessions, and the security of the EF credit.

In other news, many banks have appealed to EarthFed to have their reserves protected by the state. They claim that only state backing can give the confidence needed for the EF credit to not fail. Of course, I am not allowed to draw any connection between these two stories. It is this reporter’s opinion that it is clear that only EF banks can keep the credit safe since other banks are practically begging to become one with the state. Loyal citizens! Bank with EF for complete security, reliable interest rates in both savings and loans, and minimal account fees.

These spectres are most disturbing to all Earth Federation citizens. It is quite clear that the Invisible Man and Technomancer are working together to destroy freedom. They wish to disrupt the EF credit and return to the anarchy that existed before the one world state. They use terror, trying to devalue the credit. They steal hard-earned money so that they can buy bombs and guns to use against innocent citizens.

Clearly we need a clampdown on licences. More checks are needed to search out contraband. We need harsher punishments for people found with unlicensed guns, ammunition, blades, or even bombs. We must also be harsh on anyone issuing a licence to anyone who hasn’t completed appropriate forms and psych evaluating. This reporter is calling for a complete audit of the licencing system. It is my deep suspicion that there are terrorist sympathisers working right within the licence system. A deep audit headed by our brightest A.I.s and bravest of officers will clean up our city.

But we mustn’t wait for our overworked heroes in the police force to come knocking on your neighbour’s door. If you suspect it, then report it. Does your neighbour look suspicious? Are you sure?  If so then act on your suspicions. Report them to your nearest EF police branch. Only terrorists have to worry about privacy. Remember that, good citizen. When the brave and loyal officer comes knocking then make sure that you appear as clean as you are. And be clean, loyal citizen.

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