Thursday 24 December 2009

The Arab-Israeli war lasted 3 weeks before both sides resorted to nuclear and biological weaponry - Chrome fanfic

Nobody was really sure what triggered the war, and many were amazed that they had gone so long without attacking each other. They had been sitting in each other's territory pointing their weapons at each other for decades, each waiting for the other to take the first shot. In the end, nobody is really sure who took the first shot. The Israelis claim it was the Arabs, and vice versa. Somebody assassinated the Israeli prime minister. The Israelis blamed the Arabs and went to war. The Arabs blamed the Israeli opposition party, the CIA, the Federated States of Europe; the infidels. War happened, and it was as bloody as any war in the past. Bloodier, in many aspects.

The Hussain family was huddled together in the basement of their house. Their family had lived there for generations, but now the Israeli air force was bombing their city. There hadn't been enough time to build any sort of air raid shelter, which the red crescent were distributing at all the sites that could be bombed. In any case, the Hussain family didn't have a garden to build the shelter in. They heard the tell-tale whistle of a bomb, and the ground shook. They guessed that next door had been bombed. Most of their street had been bombed. They would have evacuated, but there wasn't anywhere they could go. This war was being waged all across the continent. And nobody, certainly not the Hussains knew why it was being fought.

The Hussains were found dead the next week. The remaining houses on their street were reduced to rubble. They didn't die when the bomb landed clean on their house, but were trapped by the rubble. Volunteer forces dug up the rubble to try to find survivors, but they were too few to get to the Hussains in time.

There were great losses on the Israeli side as well. Both sides made great use of aerial drones, filled full with high explosives. And Israel went into the war as the smaller nation. But it was wealthy, and had good links with the USA so they had plenty of drones and bombs. The Israeli intelligence service was world renowned. They knew exactly where to drop the bombs, and the drones' circuits were good enough to drop a bomb to the centimetre, given GPS coordinates. Both sides laid waste to each other, and many, many civilians died in the process. Fewer soldiers died, as most of them were in deep bunkers, controlling the drones with controllers familiar to any early 21st century gamer. There were a few ground troops, situated at the rapidly changing borders, seizing the areas cleared out by the drones. Rebuilding would come later, the military intelligences decided. It was fine to bomb a city to rubble, because the enemy was the infidel and was the aggressor of the war.

Israel was backed into a corner by the third week. It was reduced to approximately 10% of the size it went into the war in. They could have surrendered, but they would sooner die, like the Japanese in WW2. Biological weaponry had already become the norm in the Russia-China-Sony war, but the Israelis ramped it up a notch. They released their nuclear arsenal as well as biological weaponry. The first targets were military in nature, but many civilians got caught up in the blasts. Thousands died in the first hours. They were the lucky ones. Those stronger or further away died a slow death to radiation poisoning or some GM strain of anthrax. The Arabs had no option. They would be wiped out within the week if they allowed the Israelis to continue nuclear and biological attacks. They appealed to the UN, but they wouldn't touch the problem. The USA and FSE had been at war for 4 years, and Russia, China, Sony for 2 years. Nobody had troops to spare to get involved in this argument.

Within hours of the UN's promise to sanction Israel for its war crimes, the Arabs returned fire with nuclear and biological weaponry. Israel was already weakened, and it wasn't long before it was entirely wiped out. But the Arabs couldn't claim the land that they said that Israel had seized from them. It was nuclear hot or infected with their own GM strains of anthrax. Now the Arabs had their own UN sanctions, but they knew they wouldn't be enforced. The world needed their oil, and would buy it from them regardless of whether the UN was sanctioning them or not.

In the end, both sides took heavy losses and rendered much of the middle east uninhabitable. There were no winners in this war, both sides lost pretty much everything.

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